The Orana Heights Parents and Citizens Association (P&C) is made up of parents, teachers and interested school community members who undertake to work together to promote the best interests of the school. The P&C are actively involved in many aspects of Orana Heights. The P&C run the school canteen and uniform shop, plan and organise fundraising events in conjunction with the school staff, participate in recruitment panels, attend official functions and in promotion of the school to the wider community.
The objects of the P&C include:-
- to promote the interests of the school by bringing parents, citizens, students and and teaching staff into close cooperation; and
- assist in providing facilities and equipment for the school in promoting the recreation and welfare of students at the school
Office bearers
The Official Office Bearer's for 2018:-
President: Kate Masoch
Vice Presidents: Colby Hitchcock & Kelly Millington
Treasurer: Lauren Lockyer
Secretary: Melanie Wells
Fundraising: vacant
Canteen Liaison Officer: Kel Turner
Publicity Officer: Melanie Wells
Uniform Shop Liaison Officer: Jemma Hall
Monthly meetings
Meetings are held each month during the school term. Meetings are held on the first Tuesday of the month at 6pm in the staff room at the school.
The school canteen is run by the P&C. It operates five days a week.
Uniform Shop
The school uniform shop is run by the P&C and staffed on a voluntary basis. The shop is located on the west side of the auditorium.
Trading hours are:
Wednesdays 3pm - 3.30pm.
Please contact the office if you would like to arrange an appointment outside these times.
The shop now offers EFTPOS facilities.
The P&C is actively involved in fundraising activities during the school year. Previous activities included raffles, carboots sales, fetes, canteen donation drives and lapathons.
Do you want to get involved?
The P&C would like to extend a warm invitation to all interested people in the school community to become involved and where possible attend the meetings. Anyone within the school community is welcome to attend the meetings.
Membership to the P&C is $2 every year payable at the annual general meeting or at the first meeting of attendance where you have decided you would like to become a member. This enables you at as a financial member to have voting rights and to receive the minutes of the meeting and any other related information.
Our parents & citizens' association (P&C) brings the school community together. Parents, teachers and community members can help meet the needs of the school community and contribute to decisions about the school.
The P&C also raises funds that help finance improvements to our school and provide additional resources.